Spanish necro black metallers Muert sign with Hammerheart Records!
Muert will release their third full length album via Hammerheart Records.
Hailing from Tenerife Muert has a strong name in the black metal scene since 2010 and gradually has been building up their reputation.
Performing their blasphemous black metal not only at home on the island of Tenerife but also in Germany and the U.S. Muert are considering themselves to be ready for the next step.
Their upcoming third album will simply be their best work to date.
Ripping riffs, deadly vocals and an onslaught of pure hatred, just the way we like Muert to be.
At live shows Muert are always at the top of their game and these guys will surely turn some heads when the album hits home in the Spring of 2017.
As a small introduction to these guys, Vice was in Tenerife to make a short documentary about the scene on the lovely warm and graceful island:
More news and music once the band returns home from the Necromorbus studio in Sweden where the album will be mixed and mastered.
For those not yet familiar we have a pretty accurate description: Relentless Blackened Necro Metal that sounds like it was excavated from cursed soil, and the veils of Ebola echoes chilling storms of the past.